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The Latest Videos from Germany

1.   B.I.B.B.A. - Queen Rearing

Formerly known as Locko Park 88, this video takes you clearly through the stages of queen rearing, with leading experts discussing and demonstrating the techniques.

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Approx. 105 minutes £18.50 
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2.    C.O.N.B.A. - Varroa

Produced by Dr. W. Ritter and Dr. F Jacobs of the former West German B.K.A., this video is a must for every beekeeper with a video recorder. Explains the symptoms and technical remedies for Varroa.

31 minutes £11.75
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3.     Living with Varroa - a lecture by Pieter C. Muntjewerf

Second edition of this video giving an account of the Dutch experience.

65 minutes £16.40
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4.    E.H. Thorne Ltd. - Getting Started in Beekeeping

A visual introduction to this ancient pastime.

Approx. 35 minutes £16.40
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5.     Beekeeping with John Furzey

A new video concentrating on the management and handling of bees throughout the course of a season.

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90 minutes £19.50
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6.     Nepal Its bees and beekeepers - Written and produced by Claire Waring

This film looks at Apis cerana and the traditional methods used by beekeepers. It also considers the advantages and disadvantages of the importation of an exotic species of honey bee into Nepal.

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30 minutes £15.00
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7.      The Mysterious Bee - Paul Simon

A nature documentary about Bees, Bee Behaviour and Basic Beekeeping

Highlights include a swarm of 10.000 Bees crawling up Simon's legs in search of their Queen: Close-up and Macro photography of the life cycles of the 3 castes of bees in a Beehive: the fight to the death of two rival Queen Bees - and much more.

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48 minutes £21.50
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8.       Instrumental Insemination of Honeybee Queens - Sue Cobey

This training video, from Ohio State University, represents the technique of instrumental insemination in specific detail. The Schley instrument and the Harbo large capacity syringe are used for demonstration purposes

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25 minutes £28.20
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9.      Instrumental Insemination of Honey Bee Queens - Dustmann, Kuhnert, Schley & Tiesler

From the Lower Saxony Institute for Apiculture in Celle, this video deals with: Natural mating at Queen mating stations: Technique of instrumental insemination: preparation of the animal material: sperm collection: homogeneous sperm mixing: insemination process

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19 minutes £22.50
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10.     B.I.B.B.A. - The Honeybee's Fingerprint

A workshop led by Eric Milner on simple methods of distinguishing honeybee races.

Approx. 90 minutes £18.50
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11.    Sheffield University Television - Dancing for their Supper

Teaches viewers how to decode this dance language and how to carry out research with an observation bee hive.

37 minutes £19.50
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12.   New video by Furzey. Beekeeping for Beginners & Old Hands with John Furzey

A new video from a leading professional beekeeper. He started his career with A W Gale in 1949, continued with David Rouse and since 1991 has continued on his own. This video therefore brings a lifetime of experience of interest to both beginners and experts alike. 90 minutes

New video by Furzey. Beekeeping for Beginners & Old Hands with John Furzey  

  £21.95 Post Paid  Add toCart

13. An Introduction to Beekeeping with Paul Metcalf

Paul Metcalf has been keeping bees for almost 50 years. For 12 of those years he was the Beekeeping Advisor for Norfolk, and he is currently lecturer on Beekeeping at Easton College. In this video he takes us through the beekeeping year, from April to the onset of winter. The management of the hive is carefully explained and demonstrated, including swarm control, disease control, honey extraction and feeding. The video is paced to allow the viewer time to study in detail correct handling procedures at all stages of the hive's summer cycle. Running Time of 100 minutes. Highly recommended.

Paul Metcalf Beekeeping Video

£22.50 Post Paid Add toCart

14. NEW to NBB - An Introduction in Keeping Bees by Alan James of Second Sight Productions, previously published by Framing Press. If you are considering keeping bees then this is the film for you. 70 min.

An introduction in  keeping bees

£18.50 Post Paid Add toCart


Packs of full colour slides* with detailed notes.

1.      The Honeybee (8 slides) 
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2.      Activities of Worker Honeybees
(8 slides) 
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3.      Composition of the Honeybee Colony (12 slides)
£8.00 Add to Cart

4.       Activities within the Honeybee Colony (12 slides) 
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5.        Foraging Bees (12 slides)
  £8.00 Add to Cart

6.     Seasonal Management of a Honeybee Colony (18 slides) 
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7.     Queen Rearing and Introduction (12 slides) 
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8.     Hive Types and other Equipment (18 slides) 
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9.      Bumblebees - The Life Cycles of the Colony (8 slides) 
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10.     Bumblebees - The Life History of Individuals (8 slides) 
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* our numeration

Available from:

Northern Bee Books,
Scout Bottom Farm,
Mytholmroyd, Hebden Bridge
HX7 5JS (U.K.)

Phone +44 (0) 1422 882751
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