Northern Bee Books Secondhand Beekeeping Books

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Author Title DATE Comment Price
Adam, Brother Beekeeping at Buckfast Abbey 1987
Aebi, O & H Mastering the Art of Beekeeping: Vol 1 (HB) 1982
Aebi, O & H Mastering the Art of Beekeeping: Vol 2 (HB) 1982
Alston, F Skeps, Their History Making and Use 1987
Bailey, L Honey bee pathology 1981
Brown, R. Beeswax (SB) 1981
Carter, G A The hive bee 1946
Cheshire, F R Practical beekeeping 1873 Rebacked £45
Cheshire, F R Bees and beekeeping Vol 1 1886
Chitty, W Bee-keeping For Beginners 1903 Some staining on cover £9.00
Clark, K K Beekeeping 1951
Coggshall, W. & Morse, R. Beeswax (HB) 1984
Cotton, W C My bee book 1842 Facsimile of 1970 £5.00
Couston, R Principles of practical beekeeping 1972
Croft, Dr. L.R. Honey and hay-fever 1990
Cumming, A R & Logan, M Beekeeping: craft and hobby 1950 Good for Northern Beekeepers £10.00
Davis, G H Down to the grass roots of beekeeping 1976
Deans, A S C Beekeeping techniques 1963 Photo copy of volume £5.00
Digges, Rev J G The Practical Bee Guide 1943
Dunbar, Rev W The natural history of bees 1840 Plate XI missing £25
Edwardes, T The bee-master of Warrilow nd Facsimile of 1907 ed £3.00
Flower, A B Beekeeping up to date 1942
Geary, H S Profitable beekeeping for small-holders and others 1917
Grollier, G Fabrication des ruches 1979
H.Taylor Taylors beekeeping manual 1846

Harnaj, V. (Ed) XXVth International apicultural congress 1975
Harwood, A F British bee plants 1947 Best available list £5.50
Hawks, E Bees shown to the children 1912
Herrod-Hempsall, W Beekeeping simplified for the cottager and smallholder 1918
Hooper, T Guide to bees and honey (HB) 1976
Kenneth K. Clark Beekeeping 1951

Langstroth, L. L. Langstroth on The Hive and the Honey Bee 1977 Facsimile of 1853 ed. £13.00
Lardner, D The museum of science and art 1856 Without back cover £7.00
Linsley, E.G.,J.W. MacSwain, P.H. Raven and R.W. Thorpe Comparative behavior of bees and Onagraceae 1973
Mace, H Practical Bee-keeping 1977
Mace, H The Complete Handbook of Bee-Keeping 1976
Manley R.O.B. Honey Farming 1946 A classic title £15.00
Meyer, O Basic Beekeeping 1984
More, D The bee book 1976 Ex lib. £4.00
More, D Discovering Beekeeping 1977
Nixon, G The world of bees 1954
Pavord, A V Bees and beekeeping 1975 Very sound book, written by a expert £5.00
Pavord, A V Bees and beekeeping (SB) 1970 First edition £3.50
Phillips, E F Beekeeping: 1918
Saunders, E Wild bees, wasps and ants 1907
Schofield, A N Teach yourself books (beekeeping) 1948
Sechrist and Mc Farland Scientific beekeeping 1948 Rare £8.25
Shida, J Beekeeping 1976
Showler, K The Observation Hive 1985
Showler, K The Observation Hive 1985
Sinclair, W Life of the honey bee 1969
Sladen, F W L The humble-bee 1989 Facsimile of 1912 ed £9.00
Snelgrove, L E The introduction of queen bees 1940 The best of his titles £10.00
Snelgrove, L E The introduction of queen bees 1948 The best of his titles £10.00
Stephens-Potter The Beekeeper's Manual 1984
Stevens, K Apiculture for Schools 1977
Stevens, K Alphabetical Guide for Bee-Keepers Vol 1 1977
Storch, H At the Hive Entrance 1985
Taylor, H The beekeeper's manual 1846
Teale, E W The golden throng 1946
Wedmore, E B The manual of beekeeping for English-speaking beekeepers 1945
Wedmore, E B Successful beekeeping 1946
Williams R.R. and D. Wilson Towards regulated cropping 1970

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