Crop Pollination by Bees
Keith S. Delaplane
Department of Entomology, University of Georgia, Athens,
and Daniel E Mayer,
Irrigated Agriculture Research and ExtensionCenter, Washington State University,
Prosser, USA.
collapse of the ubiquitous honey bee population during the past
20 years has caused a pollination vacuum for many crops. Surveys and
grower experience indicate that a crisis exists in our pollinator
This book is an accessible, practical and authoritative research-based
guide to using bees for crop pollination. It emphasizes conserving
feral bee populations as well as more traditional methods of culturing
honey bees and other bees. The three main sections address the biology
of pollination, methods of culturing and conserving bees for optimum
pollination, and the pollination requirements and recommendations
for individual crops. This last section includes 42 short chapters
on different crops. It is essential reading for researchers and students
of entomology, crop science and ecology and also for those working
in the field with bees. |
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