The Troy Trust Needs Your Help
We are asking YOU to Help,
Please give financial assistance to support the work of The Troy Trust.
As a registered charity The Troy Trust can recover the tax
paid on all donations from supporters who are UK taxpayers (Income Tax
or Capital Gains) through Gift Aid. You must have paid the Inland
Revenue an amount equivalent to, or greater than, the sum being claimed
(ie currently 28p for every £1 you give). Please tick the box and
click on the link "Gift Aid Declaration Form" below so you can
print the form.
This page can be printed with
"Ctrl P" or if you prefer download The Troy Trust
leaflet with all the forms in Adobe PDF for viewing and printing Download
Name ...................................................................................... |
Address ................................................................................... |
................................................................................................. |
................................................................................................. |
..... I enclose a donation of £.......... |
..... I am donating £.......... for .......... sponsored
subscriptions at £20 each
Payment method |
..... Cash/Cheque |
.... Charities Aid Foundation cheque |
..... Standing order Standing
Order Mandate Form |
..... Direct payment to The Troy Trust Back Account Number
60274887 Code 20-00-85 at Barclays Bank plc PO Box 29,
Monmouth NP25 3YG |
..... I want my donation to be eligible for Gift Aid
and have completed the Gift Aid Declaration
Form |
