Help needed
for bee disease research trials
I am writing to let you know about some research trials the NBU is running
this year for which we are asking for help from beekeepers.Firstly, we are
looking at the incidence of 'Hygienic Behaviour' in bees.
This is the tendency of adult bees to uncap and remove dead larvae
from brood cells, and has been shown to have a role to play in resistance
to some brood diseases, including AFB. It is known that individual colonies
differ greatly in the amount of hygienic behaviour they exhibit, and that
this is likely to influence whether they can resist disease, or succumb
to it.
Following a pilot study last year, we are now looking at the incidence
of hygienic behaviour in colonies throughout England and Wales. This involves
individual beekeepers testing their own bees by freezing a small portion
of sealed brood, returning it to the colony and then recording how much
brood is removed by bees after a set period. We have produced a 'hygienic
behaviour test pack' which gives full instructions along with all the materials
required. All those taking part will be sent a report giving the results
of the trial. For further details or to obtain one or more test packs, please
contact Dr. Ruth Spinks at the NBU.
(Telephone 01904 462510 / Email
We are also continuing our work measuring the effectiveness of 'shook
swarms' to as a new method to control EFB. Adult bees are separated from
their infected combs, treated as an artificial swarm in a new hive at the
same time as being given antibiotic. The old infected combs are then destroyed
by burning. Results so far indicate that this method has a very low rate
of reoccurrence of disease compared with conventional treatment.
(See our website at
for details.)
If you should have EFB confirmed in your colonies during the next month
or so and would like to take part in the trial please discuss it with your
bee inspector.
Finally, we are also looking for beekeepers with EFB infected colonies
to take part in a trial of a biological control agent which is under development
as a LINK project with Cardiff University and Vita (Europe) Ltd. For this
trial, we need apiaries containing at least two newly diagnosed EFB infected
colonies. One of these will be treated with a biological agent (the bacterium
Paenibacillus larvae pulvifaciens) and then monitored and managed by us
until next season. There will be a payment for the use of the colony in
this way, and financial compensation if it fails to survive the treatment.
Please contact either me, or Ruth Spinks at the NBU, York for further details.
James Morton
South-Eastern Regional Bee Inspector
Central Science Laboratory
National Bee Unit
Tel/fax: 020 8571 6450
Mobile: 07719 924 418
Address: 'Geertje', Canal Lock 92, Windmill Lane, Southall, Middx, UB2 4NH