Exchange links email:
webmaster Please notify us of any changes. New additions listed next
On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 4:25 PM, Louis Rummer-Downing
<louisrummer@googlemail.com> wrote:
Hello, My name is Louis Rummer-Downing, I am a wildlife photographer and have been photographing and writing about honeybees for the past 12 months. I have just been funded to work with a Cornish beekeeper who is breeding Varroa mite resistance into his bees. The work he does is very interesting and my project lasts for 5 weeks, so I aim to film this behaviour, but also record other aspects to his job (he is a full time beekeeper), including the Heather honey flow, from start to finish, and also a diary of events for that 5 weeks. My work can be viewed on my blog
www.louisrd.blogspot.com and this will be updated constantly with photography and notes about honeybees and my project. I hope you enjoy the work, please get in contact about anything, I would like to get involved with any project or ideas. I am available for any work.Yours Sincerely Louis Rummer-Downing Based in Gloucestershire, Southwest England Tel. 07817139662/ 01453 546921 Email: louisrummer@gmail.com Blog: www.louisrd.blogspot.com
Arden Books http://www.ardenbooks.co.uk//
C.Arden (Bookseller)New, out-of-print and antiquarian books bought and sold in natural history,
gardening & bees and beekeeping.Radnor House Church Street Hay-on-Wye, HR3 5DQ Tel: 01497 820 471Fax: 01497 820 498
Email: c.arden@virgin.net Member of ABA and PBFA.
BBKA Adopt a
The British Beekeepers' Association
National Beekeeping Centre,
Stoneleigh-park, Stoneleigh, Warwickshire CV8 2LG
Tel: 02476 696679; Fax:
02476 690682; e-mail: britishbee.org.uk
NEWS RELEASE 19 March 2010To sign up for
Adopt a Beehive visit
and meet the colony of 14 beekeepers whose progress can
be followed online.For further
information contact:Christine Gray, BBKA Press Officer
000207 /01462 450707
Paul V Green Head
of Communication Saga Group Ltd 01303 776 023 (w)
07714 414 859 (m)
Anne Holden http://www.assingtonmill.com/
Craft Courses Assington Nr Sudbury Suffolk Water Mill- The next
courses (this year is completely full) here are on:January 24 2009,
March 13 2009, July 3 2009
Thanks a lot, Anne Holden
ASSINGTON MILL SHORT COURSES T: 01787 229955 M: 07770 550570
E: info@assingtonmill.com <mailto:info@assingtonmill.com>
W: www.assingtonmill.com <http://www.assingtonmill.com>
Photo website including bees and dragon flies (link added 25
March 2009)
Wakefield and Pontefract BKA
Wakefield and Pontefract Beekeeping Association website updated at their request (added 20th Noveber 2008)
Dunblane and Sterling BKA
Dunblane & Sterling Beekeeping Association website updated at their request (added 3rd October 2008)
Hacettepe University
Hacettepe University Bee and Bee Products Application and Research
Center-HARUM.click 2nd Index Merkez.....Dr A Murat Aytekin 100's
Unviversity Papers(in English) and Publications: Pakistan
Entomologist,Uludag Bee Journal. (added 6 May 08)
Sherriff International
Sherriff's are well Known all over the world for their excellent
beesuits and have been added to the Suppliers section below (added 6
April 08)
PBS has a world class website with a lot about CCD
(Colony Collape Disorder) and the site has a brilliant nature video
section- the one about bees is 2,42 minutes viewing. (added to section 4
Bee Related sites below6 April 2008)
Eric Tourneret
An outstanding world class bee website of a young Paris photo journalist
(added 21 March 08)
1.Beekeeping Organisations
APIS Newsletters
Apicultural information and issues.
Bees For Development Trust
A UK-based charity providing help in developing countries through the
valuable craft of beekeeping.
Bees For Development
Sustainable beekeeping abroad.
BeesAbroad supporting beekeeping projects overseas.
Bees in the Curriculum
Bees in the Curriculum an education web site for kids
National Honey Show
This greatest international honey show in the world, download the
schedule and more.
The Official Journal of the British Beekeepers' Association
Laboratory of Apiculture & Social Insects University of Sheffield
Honey bee research
Beekeeping Bibliography
This unique Beekeeping Bibliography is of historical as well as
current interest. This Bibliography contains summaries, abstracts,
and citations to books, pamphlets, and periodicals relating to
beekeeping covering the period 1905-1973 without interruption and is
probably the oldest available in the English language.
Bee Improvement and bee Breeders' Association
Beenet UK Host, Beekeeping Network for Europe
Zbee Mailserver (beekeeping mailing list server)
International Bee Research Association
National Bee Unit
The NBU is developing its website to make it a more useful source
of information for beekeepers. This process has now begun, and on the
web pages launched this week you can find information on the NBU's
inspection and advisory work, bee disease research, commercial work
and online versions of our advisory leaflets.
Central Science Laboratory
On other areas of the CSL website you can find news and information
about other areas that may be of interest to beekeepers such as GM
crops, pesticide use and the environment, testing foods (including
honey) for authenticity and contaminants, etc.
The first Honey Co-operative
Join up to market your honey with the 1st Honey Co-operative
2.Beekeeping Associations
Rhineland, our beekeepery on the Drachenfels
Der Schaubienenstand Honigh uschen auf dem Drachenfels
Avon Beekeepers
Avon Beekeepers Association represents the area stretching from Bath
to Weston-super-Mare.
Imkerei Honighauschen
Our Apiary Honighäuschen is located in a very strongly frequented
touristic region, the Drachenfels in Germany. We have lots of visitors
from all over the world.
Kent Beekeepers Online
Kent Beekeepers Association, The Hive Chat Room, Swarming, Message
Bedfordshire Beekeepers
Bedfordshire Beekeepers' Association
Berkshire Beekeepers
The Federation of Berkshire Beekeepers
Bromley Beekeepers
Bromley Beekeeper's Association
British Beekeepers Association
Basingstoke Beekeepers
The Web Pages of Basingstoke and District Beekeepers' Association.
Information about bees, beekeeping, wax, honey, local beekeeping
events, beekeeping newsletters etc.
Petersfield & District Beekeepers
Petersfield & District Beekeepers' Association
Cleveland Beekeepers Association
We are a friendly, thriving association of around 40 beekeepers living
in the Cleveland, North Yorkshire and County Durham areas of the North
East of England, on the northern edge of the North Yorkshire Moors.
Our website name derives from the River Tees, which cuts through the
Cornwall Beekeepers
Cornwall Beekeepers Association
Conwy Beekeepers' Association
Conwy Beekeepers' Association, North Wales, UK, organisers of the 700
year old Conwy Honey Fair.
Cheshire Beekeepers
Cheshire Beekeepers Association
Chesterfield and District
Chesterfield and District Beekeepers Association
Derbyshire Beekeepers
Derbyshire Beekeepers Association
Ealing Beekeepers
Ealing and District Beekeepers Association
Shropshire Beekeepers
Shropshire Beekeepers Association
Sussex Beekeepers
Sussex Beekeepers Association, Brighton & Lewes Division
Surrey Beekeepers
Surrey Beekeepers Association (eight local divisions)
Reigate Division
Surrey Beekeepers' Association
Blackburn and East Lancs
Blackburn and East Lancs Beekeepers Association
Littlehampton and Arundel
Littlehampton and Arundel Beekeepers Association
North Shropshire
North Shropshire Beekeeping Association
North Cotswold
North Cotswold Beekeepers Association
Notts BKA
Nottinghamshire Beekeepers Association
Hampshire Beekeepers
Hampshire Beekeeper's Association
Harrogate and Ripon Beekeepers
Harrogate and Ripon Beekeepers Association
Huntingdonshire Bee Keepers
Huntingdonshire Beekeepers Association
Leicestershire & Rutland Beekeepers
Leicestershire & Rutland Beekeepers Association
London Beekeepers
The London Beekeepers Association run courses at Roots and Shoots in
London, Lambeth SE11
Liverpool Beekeepers
Liverpool and District Beekeepers
Leeds Beekeepers
Leeds Beekeepers Association
Ludlow &
District Beekeepers Association
Ludlow and District Beekeepers Association
Ulster Beekeepers Association
The Ulster Beekeepers Association
Mid-Antrim Beekeepers Association
Covers both Mid and North Antrim areas, and affiliated to the Ulster
Beekeepers Association
Moray Beekeepers
Moray Beekeepers Association
Ormskirk & Croston Beekeepers
Ormskirk & Croston Beekeepers Association
Oldham and District Beekeepers
Oldham and District Beekeepers Association
Scottish Beekeepers
The Scottish Beekeepers Association
Aberdeen Beekeepers
Aberdeen Beekeepers Association
Ayr and District Beekeepers
Ayr and District Beekeepers Association
Dunblane and Stirling Beekeepers
Dunblane and Stirling Beekeepers Association
East Lothian Beekeepers
East Lothian Beekeepers Association
Easter Ross Beekeepers
Easter Ross Beekeepers Association
Morey Beekeepers
Morey Beekeepers Association
Beekeeping at Lochluichart
Beekeeping at Lochluichart (Highlands of Scotland)
Scottish based Beekeeping
Scottish based Beekeeping Help Website for Indian Sub-continent
Stratford-upon-Avon & District Beekeepers' Association
Somerset Beekeepers
Somerset Beekeepers' Association
Twickenham & Thames Valley Beekeeping Association
Educating the General Public in the Craft of Beekeeping
Essex Beekeepers
Essex Beekeepers Association
South Gloucestershire Beekeeping Association
Local Branch
South Chiltern Beekeepers
Local Branch
Suffolk Beekeepers
Suffolk Beekeepers Association
Meridian Beekeepers
The Beekeeping Association that provides a package for the beginner
which starts with some free "hands-on" experience followed by a course
in the Autumn.
Mid Bucks Beekeepers Association
The Mid Bucks Beekeepers Association was founded in 1946 to serve the
needs of Beekeepers in the central area of Buckinghamshire between
Great Missenden and Aylesbury.
Norfolk County Beekeepers Association
An American Beekeeping Association
North Staffs Beekeeping Association
North Staffs Beekeeping Association UK
North London Beekeepers
London Beekeepers
North Devon Branch
North Devon Branch of the Devon Beekeepers Association
Gloucestershire Beekeeping Association
County Association
Guernsey Beekeepers
Guernsey Beekeeping Association
Gwent Beekeepers
Gwent Beekeepers Association
Bridgend and District Beekeeping Association
Bees in Wales
Federation of Irish Beekeepers' Associations
Irish Beekeepers Association
Wakefield & Pontefract Beekeepers
Wakefield & Pontefract Beekeepers Association
Yorkshire Beekeepers
Yorkshire Beekeepers Association
York and District Beekeepers
York and District Beekeeping Association
3.Commercial Beekeeping, Queen Bees, Honey
Golden Bee Products
Our nucleus hives may be purchased either with Commercial or National
frames all will have at least 3 frames of brood and 2 of food and are
delivered by ourselves or a third party delivery company.
Arnold Honeybee Services
We offer queens, nucs, package bees, and complete hives. Your choice
of Russian, Italian, Buckfast or Carniolan. Also honey, pollen, royal
jelly, propolis and handmade beeswax candles.
Australian Sungold Queen Bees
Specialise in breeding quality Italian (Apis mellifera ligustica)
queen bees
BeeFarmers Association
Join the Professional Beekeepers (Commercial)
LA Carniolienne
French Beekeeping Supplies & Queens
Draper's Super Bee Apiaries, Inc
Over a 1000 hives, sell over 1 million pounds of honey yearly in the
Buckeye Bee
Your internet source for bees, queens, nucs and beekeeping supplies,
Utica, OH 43080
The Old North State Apiaries
Old North State Apiaries is your one stop bee shop for all your
Beekeeping information, supplies and products!
John Gower Beekeeping Supplies
Equipment Needs
Peak Bees
UK Queen Breeders of Apis Mellifera Mellifera
Now selling equipment and skin care products as well as the usual bee
products, mead, books and articles.
Southeast Texas Honey Company
We are a small beekeeping operation located in Texas. We sell a
variety of beehive products including Beeswax, Candles, Honey, Royal
Jelly, Propolis, and Bee Pollen.
Willie the Bee Man Bee Removal
Our World Wide Network of High Quality Bee and Wasp removal services
covers many areas of the United States and Australia and is expanding
Paynes Southdown Bee Farms Ltd
Paynes supply their local honey from Sussex as
well as a wide range of honeys from around the world. They also supply
a selection of jams and marmalade, and cosmetics which all contain
Honey & Beeswax. Paynes also deal with Beekeeping Equipment and can
get you set up with bees or supply you with additional equipment.
4.Beekeeping Home Pages, Bee Related Sites, Photo
Websites and
Anne Holden http://www.assingtonmill.com/
Craft Courses Assington Nr Sudbury Suffolk Water Mill- Simon Cousins Hands on the Bee Hive £35 2.30-5.00 10May 2009; Beekeeping for Beginners Courses each £70 10.00- 16.30 Inc
home made lunch, biscuits & cakes 11 July 2009 & also 25 October 2009 (link added 8
April 2009)
Photo website including bees and dragon flies
PBS has a world class website with a lot about CCD (Colony Collape
Disorder) and the site has a brilliant nature video section- the one
about bees is 2,42 minutes viewing.
Andrew Tyzack
Bee drawing artist.
Dave Cushman
Personal Beekeeping Site
Eric Tourneret
An outstanding world class bee website of a young Paris photo
My Garden
A diary of three bee hives in a small wild garden in north wales, uk.
A diary of bee and, garden plants through the seasons, a photographic
collection year by year.
Translate technical texts from German into English and from English
into German
Among the areas in which we have expertise is beekeeping. Dr. Stephen
Clackson, our
beekeeper, is a member of the Scottish Beekeepers' Association and has
one of the most
northerly apiaries in the United Kingdom (lat. 59° 16' 48" N).
New Beekeeping
with The Dartington Long Deep Hive
101 Things To Do With Honey!
101 Things To Do With Honey! A book by Elizabeth Cole
The Honey House
Life in Deryck Johnson's apiary in Wimbish, Essex.
Dr Chris Jones
Personal Beekeeping Site
Graham Law
The Honey Bee FAQ
Susan Jordan
Honeybrae Apiary, Ontario, Canada
Alaska Honey Bee Home Page
Education site showing beekeeping life in Alaska
Chris O'Toole
Oxford Bee Company Ltd, Osmia rufa "The Red Mason Bee"
A Directory of beekeeping websites
Mike Gill's Apiary
Personal Beekeeping Site
Payne's Southdown Bee Farm
Payne's Southdown Bee Farm in West Sussex
Bob Noel
Organic controls for parasitic mites and pathogens in honey bees
Thiele und Thiele Consult
N°1 for organic beekeeping certification
Virtual Beekeeping Gallery
Constructive Beekeeping
"Constructive Beekeeping" written and illustrated by Norman John
Bees and Things
Bees and Things - beekeeping collectables
Companion Plants for Beekeepers
Plants which are Companions for Bees
5.Beekeeping Equipment Suppliers & Manufacturers
For sales in the UK and abroad of Quality Hives, Clothing, Equipment. Beechwood Bees,Beechwood Drive, Norwich, NR7 0LP,United Kingdom Phone 01603 300 888.
Better bee
We have included a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) where you will
find most of the answers to your questions about beekeeping,
equipment, and candlemaking. We have added a glossary, information
about bee diseases and pests, and are constantly updating it with
beekeeping news and events.
Arnold Honeybee Services
We offer queens, nucs, package bees, and complete hives. Your choice
of Russian, Italian, Buckfast or Carniolan. Also honey, pollen, royal
jelly, propolis and handmade beeswax candles.
Maisemore Apiaries
Suppliers & manufacturers of quality beekeeping equipment for over 50
years. bee hives, hive frames, protective clothing, honey extraction,
beeswax foundation, hive tools, bee feed, bees on comb, we have
everything you need at bees-online.co.uk the official website of
Maisemore Apiaries, suppliers & manufacturers of quality beekeeping
equipment in the UK.
Brunel Microscopes Ltd
A commercial site selling microscopes
Park Beekeeping Supplies
Park Beekeeping Supplies can supply a wide variety of equipment,
protective clothing, honey extractors and bee related food supplements
as well as candles and candle making equipment.
Stamfordham Ltd
Suppliers of quality hives at knockout prices.We aim to give our
customers maximum value for money.
Nassenheider Beekeeping Equipment
Manufacturer of the honey bottler, Nassenheider evaporator using
formic acid against the Varroa mite.
Fischer's Bee-Quick
A new non-toxic bee repellent for clearing bees.
Sherriff International
Bee suits manufacturers Est 1968.
Swienty A/S - Beekeeping Equipent
Swienty A/S offers a full line of high quality beekeeping
equipment for hobby and professional beekeepers. Our specials: Filling
Machines, Queen breeding, Wax Melters, Clothing and Poly Hives.
E.H.Thorne (Beehives) Ltd
Beekeeping Equipment Manufacturers. Thorne has as a world wide
reputation for quality.
© Copyright BeeData