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Beekeepers Quarterly is
published by
Northern Bee Books incorporating BeeBiz. No. 79 Winter 2005 (A4 56 Pages) full colour Beekeepers Quarterly includes: EDITORIAL; PETER MARTIN ON HONEY QUALITY; ASSOCIATION NEWS Bee Farmers' Association, John Howat; National Diploma in Beekeeping, Geoff Hopkinson; BBKA, Geoff Hopkinson & Mike Rowbottom; Ulster BKA; Apimondia, Asger Sogaard Jorgensen; & German Apitherapy Society. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Endorsement of pesticides by the BBKA; Why strive for purity in genetic improvement; Queen rearing the Christian Henricksen way; & Burning issues; BEEKEEPING EQUIPMENT The Herzog fully-automatic foundation machine, Roger White; & The Thomas integral uncapping line, Catherine Oates. SMALL HIVE BEETLE An Overview, Jacqui Todd, New Zealand; Living with the Small Hive Beetle, Ann Harman; Small Hive Beetle Control using the New West Trap, Rev. James West; Formic Acid as a Repellant for the Small Hive Beetle, Bill Ruzicka; SHB in Portugal `Current status', Antonio Pouseiro; & Reactions to the Portuguese discovery: Job Pichon, David Dawson, Ko Zoet &Ann Harman. THE IMPORT AND EXPORT OF QUEENS AND BEES Is The Grass Really Greener...? Ann Harman; The Import of Queens and Package Bees into Canada, David Dawson; Quarantine and a New Initiatives in the Queen Rearing Industry, Geoff Manning; Serbia and countries of former Yugoslavia: Carniolans only! Predrag Cvetkovic; Nepal , Bhim Suval; & Queen imports into the UK , Albert Knight. VARROA CONTROL Thymol Over-frame Evaporator for Treating Varroa, John E. Dews; Wider Frame Spacing Helps Combat Varroa, Alison Parnell; Controlling and Monitoring Varroa using Icing Sugar and the West Small Hive Beetle Trap, John Phipps; & Metarhizium anisopliae winning the fight against Varroa, Alfredo Flores. SCIENCE REVIEW Storage proteins in winter honeybees, David Aston NDB; OUT OF THE PAST Looking back: Brother Adam and other acquaintances,Colin Weightman. ENVIRONMENT Geoff Hopkinson NDB; MEDICATIONS FOR BEEKEEPING EU Directive EC2004/28/EC, Paul Metcalf; Comments and reactions - from Max Watkins, Ken Basterfield, Eric McArthur, Geoff Manning, David Dawson, Predrag Cvetnovik, Vitaliy Petrovsky, Asger Sogard Jorgensen, Job Pichon, Roger White, David Cramp and Ko Zoet. TECHNOLOGY High Temperature Wintering of TwoFrame Nucs Dr Alexander Komissar. HONEY QUALITY: Cyprus Imported honey causes violent reaction from beekeeper, Roger White. FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS Ukraine, Dr Alexander Komissar; Australia, Geoff Manning; Italy, Alison Parnell; Portugal, Antonio Pouseiro; Brittany, Job Pichon; Lithuania, Rimantas Zugas; & Nepal, Bhim Suwal. BEEHIVES The Alpine Hive Slobodan Z'. Jankovic' BREEDING MATTERS John Atkinson NDB; BOOKSHELF Pollen. The hidden sexuality of flowers, Rob Kesseler and Madeline Harley. Organisation of Colony Reproduction in the Honey Bee, by Celia Davis An exploration of the Public Health Challenges posed by Honey Bees and Beekeeping in the UK, by Jeremy Voaden Traditional British Honey Drinks, Francis Beswick. |
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Beekeepers Quarterly is
published by
Northern Bee Books Issue No.73 June 2003. The 44 page full colour Beekeepers Quarterly includes: EDITORIAL Using queen excluders, yellow-eyed drone, the price of beekeeping equipment, record-keeping, the flight paths of bees, Kythira, the Mani LETTERS TO THE EDITOR NEWSROUND Key GM crop experiment 'lacks statistical power'; Agency seeks comments on draft Honey (England) Regulations 2003; EU backs poor farmers' seed use; New biological wax moth control using Mellonex@; Field Study to Assess the Efficiency on Varroa Mites and Safety On Honeybees of Apiguard; What Honeybees of Apiguard; What Future for European Beekeeping? - November Conference in Belgium FIRST AID Dealing with anaphalaxis John Yates NDB ALL ABOUT QUEEN EXCLUDERS David Cushman reviews the types available DIY. MAKE A SIMPLE SOLAR WAX MELTER ASSOCIATION NEWS West Sussex BKA - A new kind of honey show; BBKA - Fellowship Certificates to Professor Ingrid Williams and Brenda Ball; WBKA - Moratorium on GM Moratorium on GM Crops in Wales; New IBRA Editor Appointed; Bees for Development BOOKSHELF ISENRING'S VARROA KILLER Walter Isenring has developed a safe and easy way of controlling varroa with oxalic acid. (translated by Ronald Cocker) ENVIRONMENT Geoff Hopkinson NDB Using bees in the 'war against terrorists'; Sustainable energy sources; GM Crops; Killer bees - again!; & Bees in the curriculum? CONSERVATION Honey badgers v. Beekeepers in South Africa: resolving the conflict Colleen and Keith Begg THE ART OF COARSE BEEKEEPING David Leigh's light hearted look at one man's approach to beekeeping FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS England, Nigel Payne; Scotland, Nigel Hurst; Ireland, Phillip McCabe; USA, Other hive products are they good, sale items? Ann Harman; Portugal, Beekeeping in Angola during colonial days, Antonio Pouseiro; The Netherlands, Ko Zoet; Brittanyj Job Pichon; Lithuania, Rimantas ZugusI rlands, Ko Zoet; Brittanyj Job Pichon; Lithuania, Rimantas ZugusI Canada, he price of beekeeping equipment, David Dawson; Australia, Drought and the small hive beetle, Geoff Manning. SCIENCE REVIEW Janet Dowling FRES Variation in composition of beeswax produced by different colonies; New combs for old? COMMENT Will beekeeping in the UK die a natural death during this century? John Yates BREEDING MATTERS Natural mating or II & Records for a race-survival system John Atkinson COLLECTORS CORNER Geoff Hopkinson NDB makes a remarkable find in a set of teaching books |
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Beekeepers Quarterly is
published by
Northern Bee Books Issue No.72 February 2003. The 44 page full colour Beekeepers Quarterly includes: EDITORIAL Why KEEP THE BRITISH BEE? Part Two Ashleigh Milner ENVIRONMENT: The ever-changing landscape Geoff Hopkinson NDB SCIENCE REVIEW Janet Dowling FRES LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ASSOCIATION NEWS National Honey Show; Apimondia; BIBBA; Bees for Development; BBKA; NEW BEEKEEPING: modernising small-scale beekeeping for the recreational needs of today Robin Dartington AMERSTERDAM BEE PARK Alex VerstMegnn AFRICAN BEES TO CONTROL AFRICAN ELEPHANTS Fritz Vollrath, Iain Douglas-Hamilton Danielle Kars and Alex Verstegen FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS England, Dr Nigel Payne; Russia, Vitahy Petrovsky; Czech Republic, Dr Vitezslav Vydrw, Poland, Machj Winiarski:, Bulgaria, Stoyan Stoyanov; Cyprus; Roger White, Canada, David Dawson, USA, Ann Harman; Scotland, Nigel Hurst, Brittany, Job Pichoir, HONEYBEE WINTER ACTIVITY Jim Fletcher LONDON ROOFTOP BEEKEEPERS Jill Mead and Steve Benbow FARMER BEES and other tales from the world of Social Insects Prof. Francis Ratnieks BREEDING MATTERS John Atkinson COLLECTORS CORNER: Beekeeping Treasures, Geoff Hopkinson NDB |
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Beekeepers Quarterly is
published by
Northern Bee Books Issue No.71 November 2002. The 44 page full colour Beekeepers Quarterly includes: EDITORIAL WHY KEEP THE BRITISH BEE? An introduction to understanding honeybees, their origins,evolution and diversity, Ashleigh Mimer NEWSROUND Rare bees found on remote islands; Brazilian bees keep their own ‘insect ranch’; “Smelly” bees prevent inbreeding; Honey found in plane’s fuel pinned on bees; Political rally stopped by bees; ‘GM seed spread’ warning; Phil Chandler’s speech at the BBKA GMO Meeting; new items from Thorne’s. ENVIRONMENT Geoff Hopkinson reports on the BBKA GM workshop, September 2002. FOR THE WORKSHOP Make an observation hive this winter ASSOCIATION NEWS Maiti Childrens’ Fund and Bees Abroad - Beekeeping benefits survivors of traf ficking, Naomi Saville; BBKA - British beekeepers stand firm on 6 mile limit; Exeter BKA - new bee house for Exeter branch; Bees for Development - bee- keepers’ safari 2003, HelenJackson; NDB -Advanced Husbandry Course 2002, Bridget Beattie; London BKA - association revived October, 2002,Julian Lush; Scottish Beekeepers Association - GM statement, Autumn Convention, Perth, Nigel Hurst; Apimondia - 2003 Congress, Slovenia. THREE CENTURIES OF BEEKEEPING IN THE MANI, GREECE John Phipps FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS England - GM crops, fields of clover, Dr Nigel Payne’, Scotland - the season’s work, Nigel Hurst America - marketing honey, Ann Harman; Canada - introducing vir gin queens, David Dawson; Australia - GMOs and beekeeping, Geoff Manning, Brittany - the season’s work, Job Pichon; Ukraine - managing micronucs in a com mercial apiary, Dr Alexander Komissar, Czech Republic - solitary bees, queen rear ing, OSR and honeydew, Dr Vitezslav Vydra; Lithuania - the season’s work, Rimantas Zugur, Portugal - hive thefts and forest fires, Antonio Pouseiro; Cyprus - small cell foundation, Part 2, Roger White. LABORATORY OF APICULTURE AND SOCIAL INSECTS University of Sheffield: The story so far Francis. L. W Ratnieks BACK TO BASICS Sadly, R Raffcomes to the end of his series with this, his valedictory piece. SCIENCE REVIEW |
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Beekeepers Quarterly is
published by
Northern Bee Books Issue No.70 August 2002. The 44 page full colour Beekeepers Quarterly includes: EDITORIAL NEWSROUND: Dr Francis Ratnieks promoted to Professor; obituary - T S K Johansson; demonstration apiary opened at Ulster Wildlife Centre; pyrethroid resistant mites found in Cornwall; varroa mites on export bees raise alarm bells in NZ; results of 2nd International Apicultural Photographic Competition; gallery opens in Czech Republic to commemorate the life and work of Mendel; honeybees trained to detect TNT; clustering beetle larvae impersonate female bees to infest their hosts; Beckett announces a public debate on GM crops; crop pollen spreads further than expected; GM potatoes deter one pest - but attract another; worm turns for US cotton farmers; BBKA/DEFRA conference and correspondence. ASSOCIATION NEWS: National Honey Show - William Mundy retires, programme for NHS November 2002; Bees for Development - new names for for Troy Trust and journal; Bee Farmer's Association, Brian Stenhouse retires as Secretary - workload shared by several officers; LETTERS TO THE EDITOR BACK TO BASICS: R Raff finds that keeping an apiary tidy can be quite challenging. LONDON ROOFTOP BEEKEEPERS: Steve Benbow and Jill Mead - beekeeping auctions, Yemen and Crete have been part of the couple's itinery over the last few months - as well as managing their London stocks. FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS: America - Ann Harman, the honey queen and princess program; Canada - David Dawson, pollination using leaf cutter bees; England - Dr Nigel Payne, increasing stocks the Wilson way; Scotland - Nigel Hurst, the Royal Highland Show; Wales, Graham Loveridge, royal jelly and its efficacy; Ireland, Philip McCabe, Stoneleigh, IBRA Conference; The Netherlands - Ko Zoet, looking back; Brittany - Job Pichon, exotic bees; Italy - Alison Parnell, stolen bees; Spain, David Cramp, catching swarms - the Spaish way; Ukraine - Dr Alexander Komissar, maintaining baby nucs all the year round; Cyprus - Roger White, using small cell foundation to control varroa; Australia - Geoff Manning, quality assurance scheme/honey crops; Poland, Maciej Winiarski, swarm control and utilising swarms. CONFLICT IN THE BEE HIVE: WORKER REPRODUCTION AND WORKER POLICING Dr Francis Ratnieks reveals that life in the hive is far from harmonious. ORGANIC VARROA CONTROL USING APIGUARD: An effective, natural, safe and easy way of controlling varroa. SCIENCE REVIEW: Janet Dowling FRES - finds out how drones behave in the hive. BREEDING MATTERS: John Atkinson NDB COLLECTORS CORNER: Beekeeping Treasures, Geoff Hopkinson NDB looks at an early example of a masonic firing glass |
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Beekeepers Quarterly is
published by
Northern Bee Books Issue No.69 May 2002. The 44 page full colour Beekeepers Quarterly includes: Editorial Disease control, collecting and hiving swarms, comb honey production, beekeeping on the net, BBKA Spring convention 2002. Letters to the Editor Hodsock Priory, Open Mesh Floors, Global Warming, GM Crops, Honey and Antibiotics - allaying consumers fears, Wrangles over swarms Selling honey to supermarkets, First County Beekeeping Instructor? Newsround GM ISSUES: Trial Sites 2002, British scientists turn on GM food, Italian police raid Monsanto, Rogue GM plant warning, Five arrested at GM crop protest, Scottish GM, Greens take die PR shilling, HONEY: Chinese Honey Crisis, Organic Honey in the UK; Ant supercolony; Beekeeping Equipment. Association News NDB, Ken Basterfaeld - An Appreciation: Reg Gove NDB, FRES; BIBBA, Albert Knight- Make a Swarm Box for Transporting Grafted Larvae; Lincoln District BKA, Jonathan Korejko and Lindsey Dickens-The Beeb and the Bees; Bees for Development, Helen fackson; FHC, Sam GreenbankBorage, Marketing, Nestle; Apimondia - Celle Conference: Prevention of Honey Residues in Honey, 2003 Congress in Slovenia. The Banks of Argentina Roy Cropley - whilst the economy of Argentina is in free fall, beekeepers look to their queen banks for financial security. Environment: Geoff Hopkinson NDB-The so called "Isle of Wight Disease"; The future of farming. The Bee Colony/The Oil Company an analogy, DrFrancis Ratnieks Management: Do your bees have enough room? Steve Taber- using hives with more than one brood box may be tricky, but it is often essential. London Rooftop Beekeepers New York, New York! Steve Benbow and Jill Mead. From the rooftops of London, to the skyscrapers of New York and the villages of Thailand, bees are busy everywhere. From our correspondents: England, Dr Nigel Payne, Scotland, Nigel Hurst Brittany, Job Pichon; Portugal, Antonio Pouseiro; Poland, Maciej Winiarski; Ukraine, Dr AlexanderKomissar, USA, Ann Harmwin; Australia, GeoffManning, Canada, David Dawson; Lithuania, Rimantas Zujus; Cyprus, Roger White, Ireland, Philip McCabe Back to Basics R Raff- communicating with beekeepers worldwide. Breeding Matters John Atkinson NDB selection for characters of economic importance. Bookshelf: Bee Propolis, James Fearnley; The Secret Life of Bees, Susan Monk Kydd; Bees Dance, Pr. Remy Chauvin & Patrice Seri Video: Starting Beekeeping, Paul Metcalfe Science Review Factors which contribute to swarming, Janet Dowling FRES Collectors Corner |
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Quarterly is published by
Northern Bee Books |
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Quarterly is published by
Northern Bee Books Editorial,
Letters to the editor |
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Quarterly is published by
Northern Bee Books |
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Quarterly is published by
Northern Bee Books |
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Quarterly is published by
Northern Bee Books EDITORIAL |
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Quarterly is published by
Northern Bee Books Bees for Development, Helen
Jackson; The Troy Trust, Helen Jackson; |
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Quarterly is published by
Northern Bee Books Association
news |
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