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January 2008

January 2008 (PDF) (776kb)
Apis-UK January 2008 issue No.53 prints to 22 sides of A4. Contents: Beekeeping News: The National Diploma in Beekeeping; Research News: A HIVE BEETLE TRAP USING BEETLE BIOLOGY; A NEW PRODUCT OF THE HIVE and one you probably hadn’t thought about! THE AMAZING HONEY TREE; CAN BEES PROTECT ELEPHANTS? Colony Collapse Disorder; ORCHID BEES AND THEIR PERFUME; HOW TO RUN COMPUTER SERVERS MORE EFFICIENTLY; OPTIMISING QUEEN BEE ACCEPTANCE AND LONGEVITY; Articles: THE TRIALS OF CHAD; Recipe of the Month: THE GRILLED HONEY-CAPER SHRIMP; Poem of the Month: Bees by Sir John Bowring; Historical Note: Honey as a Preservative; Diary of Events; Quote of the Month and more.
February 2008

February  2008 (PDF) (617kb)
Apis-UK February 2008 issue No.54 prints to 19 sides of A4. Contents: Beekeeping News: Politics and Beekeepers. A Topical Note; Research News: Politics and Beekeepers. A Topical Note; Research News: Early Pollinators - New Information 100 Miliion years old! A New perspective on the evolution of social organisation, Fast Learning Bumblebees Reap Greater Nectar Rewards, HIVE BEETLES AND BEE ALARM SIGNALS – A new found danger, Bat Sharing – (Nothing to do with Bees), HONEY AS A COUGH MEDICINE, SMR Research in New Zealand, HONEY DRESSINGS - NEW RESEARCH; Articles: More Truths from Chad; Recipe of the Month: Asparagus with Honey-Garlic Sauce; Historical Note: The Legend of Hagia Sophia Church;  Poem of the Month: THE HONEY LOVER, THE BEEKEEPER; Diary of Events; Quote of the Month and more.
March 2008

March  2008 (PDF) (617kb)
Apis-UK March 2008 issue No.55 prints to 14 sides of A4. Contents: Beekeeping News: Obituary. John Atkinson, Australian Honey Industry Threatened, US HONEY FIGURES 2007. National Agricultural Statistics Service, POISON HONEY IN THE COROMANDEL, Could it be an answer to CCD?; Research News: Honey Bee Invaders, Can wasps tell us the answer?, What can Honey Bees, Hummingbirds and Bats do that Bumble bees can’t?, HOW QUEEN BEES ARE MADE. DO ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS COUNT?; Articles:  The Hive, PAINTING BEES By Chad; Recipe of the Month: Honey-Tea Grilled Shrimp; Historical NotePoem of the Month: PURPLE CLOVER By Emily Dickinson (1830-1886); Diary of Events; Quote of the Month and more.
July 2008

July  2008 (PDF) (643kb)
Apis-UK July 2008 issue No.56 prints to 20 sides of A4. Contents: Beekeeping News: JAR SIZES, Honey Bee Losses Continue To Rise In U.S., CCD. Pinning Down the Causes; Research News: Bee Species Outnumber Mammals and Birds Combined, MEMORY. New light on brain lateralisation., Non Native Plants Can Help Native Plants , Gambling Bees, Linguist Bees, USING OZONE TO SANITISE BEE HIVES, How Drones Find Queens Flowers’ Fragrance Diminished By Air Pollution, Tropical Reforestation Aided By Bats , Altruism in Social Insects is a Family Affair; Articles: Nothing in Particular by Chad; Recipe of the Month: FRIED DRONE PUPAE; Historical Note The Rev Charles Cotton;  Poem of the Month: The bee by Emily Dickinson (1830-1886); Diary of Events; Quote of the Month and more.
October 2008

October  2008 (PDF) (1.2mb)
Apis-UK October 2008 issue No.57 prints to 23 sides of A4. Contents: Beekeeping News: The Petition; Research News: Research Focuses on Anti Varroa Fungi, Bumble Bee Decisions, Insect Pollination Worldwide Estimated At € 153 billion (U.S. $217 Billion) in 2005, Feeling a bit off colour? , More Research on Fungus V Varroa from the USA, Honey as a treatment for chronic rhinosinusitis And honey for burns, Bees Can Mediate Escape of Genetically Engineered Material Over Several Kilometers, Food and Pheromones, Honey bees can learn to count – up to four!, Another Bee Disease Mystery, The Guidance of ‘Streaker Bees’, Social Behaviour in Some Bees Encouraged by Parasites, How Plants Control their Pollinators; Recipe of the Month: Honey & Gorgonzola Mushrooms, Peanut Butter & Honey Biscuits; Historical Note TOn the Breeding of Bees, and of the Drone;  Poem of the Month: The Arrival of the Bee Box By Sylvia Plath (1932 - 1963); Readers Letters: Sue McBean Diary of Events; Quote of the Month and more.
  Submissions contact the Editor bassdrum1999@yahoo.com

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